Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What's nail buffing cream or cuticle remover cream?

i got them in a manicure kit and i have to idea what to use them forWhat's nail buffing cream or cuticle remover cream?
Cuticle remover cream is a cream that really moisturizes your cuticles, and makes it easier for you to push them back gently. Nail buffing cream is a cream that you apply to your nails before buffing and shining them, and the motion of using the buffer forces some of the cream into your nails for extra moisture and extra shine.What's nail buffing cream or cuticle remover cream?
i read this topic and i wondered where to find this cream...i've been looking all beauty shops around for this product but no luck..:(.if somebody knows where i can buy this cuticle remover cream/gel please tell me...


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When your cutical remover cream does the same thing as when you push your cuticals back with an orange stick (that little wooden stick), and your buffer cream is either a buffing lubericant or it's used so you don't have to buff your nails.

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