Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why does nail polish remover burn face and not the cuticle?

I have a client who had what looked like two nail scratches on her face. I removed her polish and she rubbed her face and the nail polish remover got on the scratches and it burned. I took lotion with Aloa Vera and rubbed the area. The next day it looks like she was burned . What can I do to help?Why does nail polish remover burn face and not the cuticle?
because the face is on of the most tender parts of the body...

the hands,no matter how soft is one of the hardest part of the body,cause it is being used for everything possible..

if your hands are chapped you will get a burning when you use nail polish her face was scratched and was touched with the nail polish remover,it got burned...

you have to put white petroleum jelly on there,and then wipe it off with a tissue..this way it would not be to moist,and will heal..

on any type of burns you canot put anything but a burn solvent,which you don't have,so this is your best bet yet..Why does nail polish remover burn face and not the cuticle?
if your cutical has like a hang nail then it should burn. I never thought of tring it on my face though sooooo.... yeah

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