Sunday, January 17, 2010

My nails are loosing luster especially the new growing ones at the cuticle, why?

the distal nail plate is fine, it's shiny.... but the new growing nail plate from the cuticle is lighter in color and has no luster

is this a defficiency in vitamins or a thyroid problem?

or becuase I lack sleep (any valid ratinoale about that it's been 2 months my sleep is around 5-6-7 hours per night)?

I need a headstart before I consult my docMy nails are loosing luster especially the new growing ones at the cuticle, why?

When the white plate is dull its a lack of iron.

Eat more vegetables that contain iron or just buy some vitamins. Also try to fortify your nails because nails become brittle and dry.

Rub some olive oil into finger nails and leave overnight. Do this at least once a week. I believe any vegetable oil is good as well.

Good Luck

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